Friday 8 February 2013

Blogruary Day 8: The Work Day

Today saw me wake up really late. I didn't wake from my slumber until 12:15pm which, trust me, is very late.

The reason that I woke up so late is that my friends and I travelled to a McDonalds miles away from our regular Surbiton chain due to that being closed early. I didn't get to sleep until 1:40am and with my body not being used to late nights, I needed to catch up on my beauty sleep.

Once I awoke though, I worked like a demon. I re-altered my website, slightly updated this blog, completed some written pieces and began some new projects whilst I also managed to squeeze in some shorthand practice.

I then had to go to work at my part-time job in the bar and I've now returned home in time to write this blog before the end of the day.

If there is a lesson to be learned, it is that it's important to make the most of a day no matter how much you miss in the morning.

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